Music First (for recordings)
- Go to (there is NO www in front of the web address)
- Your username is your ID number with NO s
- The password is music
Charms (Join our email list)
Log in to Charm's public portal ( The school code is mcleanmsband. The password is your ID number without the "s", unless you have reset it to be something different. If you are having trouble with your password, try this:
- On the Charms home page, click log in.
- Select the Parents/Students/Members tab.
- Enter mcleanmsband as the school code and click enter.
- For Student Area Password, type 12345678, and click .
- Fill in the name, address, and cell phone information and then click Find my Password.
Music Professor (for online video lessons)
Click here for instructions on how to log on for the FIRST time.
After you have logged on the FIRST time, follow these instructions to log on:
After you have logged on the FIRST time, follow these instructions to log on:
- Go to
- Click "Sign In" in the top right corner
- Your email is [email protected] (fill in the numbers with YOUR ID number)
- Your password is music1